5675 - בס''ד
Since 1915
Phone: +442088093649
Leadership Authority: Rabbi Max Goldstein
Services Led by: Reverend Efrayim Goldstein
Honorary Secretary: Mrs H Rose & Mr Levin

Welcome to בית אשר - לונדון
Victoria Community Centre
A dynamic community devoted to developing an Jewish way of life
Our Soup Kitchen & Community Centre Hub to help local
business and charity's are in the search for a new home!
Weekday Services Timetable:
Shacharis - 10:00am - שחרית
Only on Rosh Chodesh רק בראש חודש
Mincha - 8:30 pm - מנחה
Please Be on time!
Maariv - 8:40 pm - מעריב
Followed by Dinner ( RSVP)
Shabbos שבת & Yom Tov יום טוב Services and programme!
Kabolas Shabbos - קבלת שבת
Summer: Winter:
30mins after Zman 40mins before Zman
Shabbos Shacharis
After morning services, Kiddush - קידושא רבא
Mincha 1 hour before Rabeinu Tam
Followed by: light Meal שלישית סעודה
Mariv - Rabeinu Tam Zman
Followed by: Havdalah - הַבדָלָה